Full-Scale Last Judgment
In 1980 Pistoletto spent an extended period in Pescara. In September, at the Galleria Lucrezia De Domizio, he and his family put on an exhibition preceded by an action (in which the gallerist and her husband, the photographer Bubi Durini, also took part) entitled The Family – The Table of Judgment [La famiglia – Il tavolo del giudizio]. On that occasion he wrote two tests, Full-Scale Last Judgment [Il giudizio universale a dimensione reale] and The Family [La famiglia].

“Art, science, and religion were all one thing for Michelangelo Buonarroti when he painted the Last Judgment and designed the dome of St. Peter’s. But his Last Judgment was contained in the small space of the wall of a chapel and the dome of St. Peter’s was the highest achievement of human intelligence in its time. Today the dome that represents the highest level of human ingenuity stretches out into space among the stars, hence the Last Judgment of art must now exist in a real dimension. [...] At the center now there is no longer a point but a mirror. There is no longer a distant point represented by the god of religions, but a mirror that gives us back our image from nearby. And it is no longer a perspectival viewpoint that indicates the attainment of techno-scientific progress, but a mirror that opens up the whole of space immediately. [...] I’m working now to keep the passage of the mirror open at all costs. Without this specular hole art is pushed to the edges of every other form of power, becoming the decoration of that power and, what’s more, responsible for its errors.”
(M. Pistoletto, Il giudizio universale a dimensione reale, Galleria Lucrezia De Domizio, Pescara 1980).

click on the thumbnails to enlarge
The Family, 1980
The Table of Judgment, 1980